Avast Driver Updater
Scan, update, and fix all your PC’s drivers to keep your computer and its accessories running smoothly.
Automatically scans over 25 million drivers for peak PC performance
Less crashing
Faster browsing
Better graphics
Richer audio
Fewer device problems
Driver Updater detects old, corrupt, missing, or outdated drivers, fixes bugs and vulnerabilities, and backs up and restores current drivers.
Vulnerable drivers are a significant security risk
Drivers are programs and programs can sometimes be faulty or contain security gaps. These gaps can be exploited by attackers to access your data or make changes to your operating system. Driver Updater scans for weaknesses, identifies outdated or broken drivers, and notifies users as soon as a secure update is available.
70% less crashing and freezing
Faulty and old drivers are the top cause of crashes, freezes, and bluescreens. Driver Updater finds the latest driver versions for max stability and fewer bugs, connection problems, mouse or printer issues, and more.
Get significantly sharper graphics
Update graphics drivers to boost performance and enjoy crisper images in games, Virtual Reality, multimedia apps, streaming, and media editing.
Quickly fix sound, printer, and network issues
No sound coming from your speakers? Wi-Fi constantly dropping? Printer suddenly not working? Driver Updater eliminates these interruptions.
All-new design and engine
Our redesigned interface makes it simple to scan and install drivers in just a few clicks, while our new driver engine scans in real-time to make sure you have the latest drivers. Drivers are installed one at a time to avoid hardware conflicts.
Solve driver issues quickly
Like any piece of software on rare occasions, Drivers can contain manufacturing defects or clash with pre-existing software on your device. This can affect sound, graphics, streaming, and other accessories, and it can be tough to identify which drivers are causing issues.
The new troubleshooting helper guides you step-by-step in reverting back to the previous working version of specific drivers, based on the type of issues you’re experiencing and when they started. It’s a quick and easy way to solve issues and enjoy full performance again after a driver glitch.
Seamlessly install drivers from more than 1,300 major brands
Our one-click scan makes it easy to find the drivers you need for your printer, scanner, camera, speakers, keyboard, router, and other devices.
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